I talked about it, and I promised it in my last several posts so here it is: My First Author Video for my newly designed site!!!
I recorded this video last night after I got home from an all day writing intensive and I have to say I’m pretty proud of it. It did get a little longer than I had originally intended, but I did not edit it down because I like it as is.
It was definitely a learning curve with trying to figure out how to upload it. I ended up having to upload it to Youtube cause Word Press won’t allow it cause it was too long. But then Youtube put me through my paces as well!
It’s okay though. I’d rather have learned it now then get to a point with multiple videos ready and have to do it. This also means I now have a channel on YouTube so click here to see it. @lhnicoleauthor
I really wanted to get this uploaded and published before I go to DragonCon next weekend. Friday, yesterday, was also my only day off since going back to work after KCon and before I head off to ATL. If you’re going to be at DragonCon check out the link above to my prev post with my schedule of events.
I will have a signing where I’ll have my books available in both print and digital. Make sure you stop by, even if it’s just to say hi and get some free swag. I also hope that if you see me around the con you’ll come up and say hi ☺️.
I’ll stop going on now and leave you with my slightly awkward but fun first video. (I know I said that a lot, but I’m kinda proud of myself! Plus I’ve been up way too long at the time of writing this so please don’t judge 🙏🏻 😅)
💜 always L.H. Nicole